After decades of unrest, war, and occupation, Iraq has now achieved security and peace. The established government, with access to financial resources from oil sales, is developing the country. Infrastructure such as roads, airports, shopping malls, and factories that are important for businesses are being built and developed. But entertainment and recreation for the people have been neglected. According to the latest census conducted in November 2024, more than 36 percent of the Iraqi population is under the age of 15. No entertainment or gaming centers have been designed for this group of Iraqis. This generation is the future builders of the country of Iraq, and their growth and advancement require games and entertainment. Investing in the entertainment sector in Iraq, in addition to being a profitable business, will also contribute to the advancement of the future of Iraq. If you are interested in starting a business related to entertainment and recreation in Iraq or investing in this field, our experts are ready to provide you with advice and assistance.